Doku Meizme Ed. 5.01 (MC 1.3.2+)

Doku has Moved on to other things and has given "anyone" with the will to update it the ability to do so. I personally can not express in words the amount of respect and admiration i have for Doku's Art and Creative Talent. That being said I have taken up the task of keeping his work current and Completing his project where possible.

What i have Done...

  1. Updated the Pack so that it is 1.3.2 ready, Currently has all the menus and textures for up to and including 1.3.2 retial
  2. All animals now have custom animations for blinking (requires MCPatcher or OptiFine)
  3. Updated several blocks that felt out of place or jarring.
  4. Replaced the thinner high resolution font with a bolder one.
  5. Added custom lighting colors
  6. Added custom sand colors
  7. Added custom skybox colors
  8. Added custom Birch Tree colors
  9. Added customFog colors
  10. Added custom Grass Colors
  11. Added custom Pine
  12. Added custom Stem (watermelons)
  13. Added custom Swamp grass colors (no more gray!!!!)
  14. Added custom Pumpkin Blur
  15. Added custom Swamp Foliage color (no more gray!!!!)
  16. Added custom Lava and water drop colors
  17. Added custom mycilium particle colors
  18. Added custom Enderchest skin
  19. Added custom HIGH RESOLUTION GUI!
  20. Added custom Art (removed Link to the Past & added decorative items)
  21. Custom animated diamond sword!
  22. Custom animated Ores!
  23. Custom animated Torches!
  24.  Natural Textures support!
  25. CTM support
  26. New BetterSkies support!
    Spring - My original pack with tweaks to sync up with the other seasons

    Summer - Lush Vibrant colors with taller grass and more flowers, thicker vines and is a dokucraft light base with all man made objects synced over from my original work adjusted to the color scheme.

    Fall - Less saturated colors, a brownish hue to the world, shorter grass, and red and yellow trees, this is a dokucraft dark base with all man made objects synced over from my original work adjusted to the color scheme.

    Winter - Completely Custom Doku based with snow blanketing the whole world (textures not the snow block). The world has a colder feel to all the textures and has a base of dokucraft meizme edition fall to blend more seamlessly during transition. Has no flowers and thinner vines, shorter grass and snow resting in all the nooks and crannies.


                                                                   --== IN ALL PACKS ==--