Saturday, December 31, 2011

Finally got around to updating the plugin list and version numbers, holy $%#$% you see that in minecraft!

Also finally got around to updating the Texture pack page, i noticed a few flaws with the pack, a few textures that are off a bit. still need to fix that.

also updated all spout stuff, provided you use the advanced options and select use the latest dev release of spoutcraft, you can now log in and it works.

Until the addon api for spoutcraft is Standard* and a few of the single player enhancements are added i wont force people to use it.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

ran into some form of a loop and it was killing performance, its since been fixed and the server is once again running lean. 40 ticks per second and lower ram usage.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Added some new plugins, XPSHOP and Craftpedia

XPshop allows for the purchase of xp via the ingame money system. "/xpShop buy amount"

craftpedia allows for the lookup of recipes via the chat window. "/recipe Blockname"

also updated a ton of plugins and fixed a ton of configs for 1.0.1

big ones were BOSEconomy and spout essentials.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I got the Server updated to 1.0.1-R1 support.

Some of our plugins no longer work and might not ever be updated.
  1. Ambient Seasons
  2. Jukebukkit
  3. MagicSpells
  4. PaintingSwitch
Some of them are removed.
  1. Worldguard (overhead was too high)
  2. NoLagg (because it sucked and didnt work well)
  3. effective arrows (dev isnt updating it)
  4. Banrecipe (no need for it)
  5. Vegetation (makes me sad! no longer supported)
  6. TreeFall (replaced with treeassist)

Some New Plugins were added though!

  1. TreeAssist - Makes trees Auto replant and grow, also if you destroy the bottom block of a tree the whole tree will fall.
  2. Backup - it saves the entire folder to another location for backup purposes!
  3. CreeperHeal - Replaced worldguard, makes it so creepers blow up again BUT the damage auto repairs
  4. Disposal Chest - makes garbage bins that delete unwanted items!
  5. PickBoat - makes it so boats drop from destoryed boats... instead of wood splinters.
  6. Spawnmobs - allowes admins to pop animals incase we get low
  7. Ptweaks - improves server performance (replace nolagg, because this actually works)